Free On-Demand Webinar

Making Technology Stick: The People Side of System Optimization

Chances are your organization is probably either in the midst of a technology change, or planning one. Do you know what it really takes to achieve system optimization for the investment? Software and hardware costs are just the beginning!

In fact, most technology fails to deliver on time, on budget, and to spec, all that is promised by vendors. Not because of the technology itself, but because our organizations focus solely on getting the technology launched, rather than getting it fully implemented to system optimization.

In this engaging one-hour webinar Don Harrison tackles this thorny dynamic that is costing organizations literally millions of dollars. Watch to learn:

  • What it means to be a Sponsor for a system change and the limits of what IT can Sponsor

  • Why typical communication plans can actually generate resistance to new technology

  • Why your implementation plan must include identification of behavioral changes associated with the technology change, with a reinforcement plan that drives the new behaviors

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